Our Service

About Sleep started as Sleep Apnoea Services in 2006, providing CPAP therapy from a small consulting room in Kidman Park Pharmacy. In 2008, demand for our service had increased to such an extent that we took over our adjoining premises and created 4 private consulting rooms dedicated to best-practice CPAP therapy.
In November 2012 we opened a new clinic in Marryatville to better serve patients in Adelaide’s eastern suburbs. This has now relocated to 290 Glen Osmond road to accomodate the growing nature of this industry. At the same time we decided to change our name to About Sleep to reflect the fact that our clinics now offer treatment services for patients with all kinds of sleep problems, not just sleep apnoea.
In 2016 we decided that, with the right approach, we could conduct Home Sleep Studies for patients from our clinics. We approached several well known Sleep Specialists who have rooms all over Adelaide, and together we conduct Home Sleep Studies. We call this part of the business "Ethical Sleep Studies". We expect our patients to get their sleep study results from a doctor, and also their treatment options. All our patients can see the specialist that does their sleep study report to get their diagnosis and treatment plan. This will include fully supervised treatment paths which may include weight loss, supine avoidance, CPAP, MAS or right through to complex surgery.
In 2019, to respond to a growing need, we opened a clinic in Adelaide's southern suburbs, at Marion. About Sleep Southern Clinic has become a busy centre for sleep studies, CPAP and other OSA treatments. In 2021 a fourth clinic was opened in Windsor Gardens to enable northern clients to be able to access our clinics easily.
About Sleep now has four fully equipped clinics and 14 trained and experienced staff who are completely dedicated to sleep problems.