Sleep Study Procedure
Phone 0436 141400 for all queries and bookings or email
If you have a referral for your sleep study signed by a doctor, - call us or send us a copy of the referral, and we will contact you.
Once we have booked a night for your sleep study, we will let you know what to wear. False nails or dark nail polish must be removed from the middle finger of one hand, so the oximeter will work.
On the afternoon you have booked, you will be able to pick up the equipment at a designated time. We will show you the equipment and help you understand how to apply it. Once you get home, about half an hour before your bedtime, you will be able to attach the equipment and it will start recording at the time you told us. Alternatively, we can apply the equipment to you ourselves in the afternoon.
Once you get home, you can continue your normal routine, but do not get the device wet or damaged. Have the same amount of alcohol or sleeping pills that you normally do, and go to bed at the time you told us. The machine turns itself on at a predetermined time, according to your bedtime.
In the morning, remove the machine at the time agreed on, by carefully removing the leads, the white bands and lastly the devices. Someone can then bring all these items back to the clinic along with the oximeter and tapes. We need it back between 9 am and 11am (if you need extra time, please ask us.)
The staff at our clinic will upload your data and send it to the sleep scientist, who will score the study. This information is then passed, along with the original data, to the sleep specialist, who will review the information, and write a report.